December 2014
A quick math quiz - try it!
The "evidence" against vaccines causing autism was completely made up - Upworthy infographic
Eric Ries on being wrong - great story!
More evidence against obstetricians in normal childbirth - study
David Crane, CEO of NRG power, commits to 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 - committing to incremental change!
56 cognitive biases that affect everything we do - Business Insider
12 mistakes that make meetings unproductive - Business Insider
A cartoon that destroys the arguments against vaccines.
How to safely defuse someone who is wrong - article.
Eleven cards to help you determine the value of scientific evidence - deck
The full Debunking Handbook - PDF
The Quantization of Consumers and its Consequences - NY Times article
The Scientific Evidence Against Spanking, Timeouts, and Sleep Training - Quartz article